FILMING10th/11th October 2019
AIR DATE24th June 2020
CHALLENGEPattern Challenge – Boy’s Kilt
TIME ALLOWED3 & 3/4 Hours
POSITION3rd out of 3

“The pleats are just not right” – Esme

I knew I wanted to wear something special for the final. So a week before I popped along to the Vivienne Westwood shop on Conduit Street in London. I tried on a number of shirts but settled for the stop climate change graffiti shirt. However,I had to cover up the Vivienne Westwood motif before I could wear it on screen, we wouldn’t want to give Vivienne Westwood any free publicity!

I had been pretty good at the pattern challenges throughout the series, but when I saw that we had to make a boys kilt, I panicked. Reading through the instructions, there were so many calculations that had to be made.

“Stupid Tartan“ – Me

 I didn’t know how to create the pleats, I was trying to think how a kilt looked, I couldn’t picture it in my mind, how did the repeat pattern work?. I swore constantly whilst doing this challenge, so that it couldn’t be used in the final cut. I was stressed again, and another walk out was on the cards, and I nearly did, but told myself not to be a drama queen, get back at it, you’re in the final, just go with it!

At one point I think I pinned the repeat pattern in place correctly, then thought, that can’t be right and unpinned it all again! Nicole was very kind and gave me some pointers. Then it came to calculating how much to reduce the pleats around the waistband. It was by millimetres! This couldn’t be right. I had no clue, so I left that bit. I hastily sewed the buckles on, along with the poppers which were facing male to male. Clearly making a statement!

The result was a kilt that didn’t fit, had no repeat pattern and a fastener that wouldn’t do up. No surprise that I came bottom in this challenge. I apologise to all the Scots out there. One day I will try and make a kilt, but whenever I see one now, it takes me back to this disastrous challenge!

“It’s a hipstir kilt” – Esme