FILMING19th/20th September 2019
AIR DATE29th May 2020
CHALLENGETransformation Challenge – Laundry Bags
POSITION7th out of 7

This was a surprise! I can safely say that I have never sewn with these types of bags before, and I never will again. Whenever I see one now it takes me back to this cringeful transformation.

No surprise for a transformation, I had no idea what to do! I think I forgot the bit when Patrick and Esme said it should be structural, because I just went for a fitted dress that lay flat and because I had a bit of time left, I thought, ‘I know! I’ll add a train to it, with some feather trim and it can be a wedding dress!’ What was I thinking! This is what happens when you’re under pressure! I cringe when I watch it back now. It’s no surprise that I came last!

“There’s a lot of work gone in to making this shape” – Patrick

This was the first time I walked out, although not on camera. Once the judging had been done, I quickly walked to the ‘flat’ whilst taking off my microphone, and hastily left the building. The pressure of all the weeks filming had got to me, I also hadn’t seen Greg for over a week as he had been away in France. I walked along the bankside of the Thames towards Bermondsey, thinking that I’m done with this now, I really don’t want to carry on. I never expected to get this far and I’ll be happy if I left. 

I walked and walked, sat, stared out at the Thames, thinking things over in my head. I decided to head home. However I realised I had no wallet and my phone was still back at the studio. Luckily I had my Apple watch and could pay for my journey home with that. Greg and my housemate Will were quite surprised when I turned up, I was very grateful for a big hug from Greg. The production team managed to get hold of my housemate to see if I had turned up and I was OK. They were happy if I stayed there that night, but I decided to go back to the hotel (along with a bottle of wine). There was huge support from everyone, and seeing Greg and his words of support made me determined to carry on. I was ready for another day.

“It’s pretty dramatic” – Esme